Wednesday 30 April 2008

Yahoo! Dual Email Address

Recently i just found out that Yahoo! offers such a great feature. The feature is to have two email addresses by using just one account. We can set the incoming mail for those two account freely. When sign in using either one Y! Id, we can decide our outgoing mail address just in one click (scroll down menu). Isn't this great? Using two different email address but accessing it in one time.

Fly's Fool Story

I was driving in a car from tg.piayu going to batam center. A few minutes after driving, i noticed there is an "fly" inside my car and it kepts flying here flying there. In my mind i was thinking, this "fly" must be from tg.piayu. If i didn't let it out from my car, then it will get to batam center with me. Then a lot of question appeared in my head. Does it have family? Does it came from egg or what? Does it have feeling? And et-ce-tera lots of silly question. In the end, i decided that "Flies" might have family like us human. If i didn't let it out of my car, then it will be separated from it's family. So, i open the window and chase it out.. Silly huh??

Friday 25 April 2008

.:~Cinta Ibarat Kupu-Kupu~:..

Cinta ibarat KUPU-KUPU

Makin kau kejar, makin ia menghindar
tapi bila kau biarkan ia terbang.
ia akan menghampirimu disaat kau tak menduganya.
cinta bisa membahagiakanmu tapi sering pula ia menyakiti.

tapi cinta itu hanya istimewa, apabila
kau berikan pada seseorang yang layak
menerimanya....... jadi ....tenang
tenang saja jangan terburu-buru hingga
kau bisa medapatkan yang terbaik .

*untuk kalian yang ......RAGU - RAGU DENGAN PERNIKAHAN
Cinta bukanlah perkara menjadi "ORANG SEMPURNA"nya seseorang.
justru perkara menemukan seseorang yang bisa membantumu menjadi kan dirimu sempurna.

*Untuk kalian yang.......TIPE PLAYBOY / PLAYGIRL
Jangan katakan "AKU CINTA PADAMU" bila kau tidak benar-benar peduli padanya.
Jangan bicarakan soal perasaan - perasaan itu bila tidak benar - benar adanya.
Jangan kau Sentuh hidup seseorang bila kau berniat mematahkan hatinya.
Jangan menatap kedalam matanya bila kau apa yang kau katakan cuma DUSTA.
Hal terkejam yang bisa dilakukan ialah membuat seseorang jatuh cinta,padahal kau tidak berniat sama sekali untuk menerimannya saat ia terjatuh......

*Untuk kalian yang .........SUDAH MENIKAH
Kalau Cinta jangan katakan "INI SALAHMU !" tapi maafkan aku ya?
Bukan "KAU DIMANA?! " melainkan "AKU DISINI,KENAPA?"
Dan bukan "COBA, SEANDAINYA KAU.... " akan tetapi "TERIMA KASIH YA, KAMU BEGITU...."

*Untuk kalian yang......PATAH HATI
Sakit patah hati bertahan selama kau menginginkannya dan akan mengiris luka sedalam kau membiarkannya.
Tantangannya bukanlah bagaimana bisa mengatasi melainkan apa yang bisa diambil sebagai pelajaran dan Hikmahnya.

*Untuk kalian yang.............BELUM PERNAH JATUH CINTA
Bagaimana kalau jatuh cinta :
Mau jatuh,jatuhlah tapi jangan sampai terjerumus,
tetaplah konsisten tapi jangan terlalu "NGOTOT"
Berbagilah dan jangan sekali - kali tidak Fair.
Berpengertianlah dan cobalah untuk tidak menuntut,
siap - siaplah untuk terluka dan menderita,
tapi jangan kau simpan semua rasa sakitmu itu.

*Untuk kalian yang .........INGIN MENGUASAI
Hatimu patah melihat yang kau cintai berbahagia dengan oranglain,
tapi seharusnya akan lebih sakit mengetahui bahwa yang kau cintai ternyata tidak bahagia bersamamu.

*Untuk kalian yang...........TAKUT MENGAKUI
Cinta menyakitkan bila anda putuskan hubungan dengan seseorang.
Malah lebih sakit lagi bila seseorang memutuskan hubungan denganmu.
Tapi cinta paling menyakitkan bila orang yang kau cintai sama sekali tidak mengetahui perasaanmu terhadapnya.

Hal menyedihkan dalam hidup ialah bila kau bertemu seseorang lalu jatuh cinta,
hanya kemudian pada akirnya kau menyadari bahwa dia bukanlah jodohmu.
Dan kau telah menyia2 kan bertahun- tahun untuk seseorang yang tidak layak.
Kalau sekarangpun ia sudah tak layak, 10 tahun dari sekarangpun ia juga tak akan layak.
Maka biarkan ia pergi dan lupakan.........

Tuesday 22 April 2008

B'dae oh B'dae

Yesterday morning, i wake up with 4 sms. 1(one) is from my mum, and other 3 is from my siblings. my mum told me to boiled 8 eggs (pronounced : eight eggs, hahaha...) and dye it red. then the 3 other sms is a wishing sms, one of it even wish me "never gets angry", hahaha.. (yeah, i'm someone with fiery temper actually).

I see.. today is my birthday! hahaha.. my chinese birthday! (that's what i think of yesterday^^)

Then later at 10am, my elder sister brought a b'dae cake all the way from tg.pinang.. she just came from tg.pinang that morning. the cake was bought my sisters and brothers at tg.pinang. So touched ^^

But then, it was me alone enjoy the cake. Sigh.. That elder sister of mine only be the "delivery" man.. (oops, delivery woman i meant). She went home after delivered that cake. Oh yeah, i did give a piece of cake and some eggs. After eating the cake and that red-coloured boiled eggs i just sit at the sofa, watching the TV, and fall asleep...

Friday 18 April 2008

An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind

Poem by Allen Cohen
Flying to Washington, DC For A Reading

Taking off from Oakland
heading for Washington D.C.
and then New York for
Poets for a World at Peace reading.
Lifting over San Francisco Bay
its calmness a sheet of glass.
Sun Rising, golden light
slipping through gray clouds,
layers of fog and clouds
and different shades of blue sky.
Rising far above striated
cirrus clouds that look
like twisted strands of DNA.

From heights like this
bombs may soon drop on Iraq –
600 cruise missiles for first two days
to produce “shock and awe”
really meaning firestorms
bringing immense death and destruction
even while countries and their peoples
resist our president’s bellicose bullying
for the control of oil.

I wrote an email to Elz Cuya,
a fellow poet who writes sonnets,
that every moment is a peace march.
Why this drive to war and empire?
Even more than oil, is it a shield
for protecting the oligarchy
from the revelations of their corruption
in every corner of our country?
Collectively we have become as corrupt
as many third world dynasties.

The Sierras are covered with snow
white mountainous vision
reflecting sunlight.

The corporations invent
tax dodging tax schemes

and stock frauds, rape the environment
buy and bribe politicians and presidents
to construct the climate that will rain
more profits and power.

The church’s centuries of sexual repression
cloaking the rampant pedophilia of priests
stretching their clouds of guilt over history.

The desert below beige, barren and expansive
between the Sierras and the Rocky Mountains.

The insurance companies, with the collusion
of doctors and HMOs defrauding Medicare
for over 75 billion dollars per year and
seeking to avoid lawsuits for their mistakes.

The corporate drive for cheap labor
spreading its tentacles all over the world
destroying cultures, childhood and environments.
All the worlds money and resources pouring
through the sieve of their hidden bank accounts.

While poverty and plagues sweep over the world
the drug companies resist researching medicines
for third world disease and
fight to keep their patents and profits.

The western Rockies stretch out below
toward the snow capped mountains of the east.

The media conglomerates soaking us
in propaganda in the interests of the corporations
that own them or pay their sky-high salaries.

The scientists at Los Alamos building nuclear weapons
stealing money, materials
and perhaps information
from their erudite perch in the desert.
No part of the oligarchy
without guilt or complicity.

The rest of us have only our frustrations
poverty, sickness, insecurity, high rents
homelessness and their passion
and even that smothered
by the pressures of survival
and the somnambulance
and brainwashing of TV and movies,
while conglomerates suck up
the national wealth and this criminal junta
crawling toward domination or impeachment.
targets more money for the rich.

And what are we to do?
March, demonstrate, write poems
and diatribes to each other,
block doorways, break windows
fantasize uprisings and get arrested?

The plane shakes and shudders
we fly over cities and then the Appalachians
brown and shorn of trees and spotted
with icy lakes and streams.
Finally a smooth descent to Dulles Airport
landing in the icy capital
temperatures below zero.


Sebagai pembuka, saya post sebuah puisi oleh Allen Cohen yang judulnya "An Eye For An Eye Makes The World Blind". "Jika mata ganti mata maka seluruh dunia akan menjadi buta", Kalimat ini diucapkan oleh Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Dalam arti kata jika kejahatan dibalas dengan kejahatan, maka dunia ini akan hancur oleh manusia yang buta. Tentunya kita juga tidak berharap yang terjadi adalah "Air Susu Dibalas Dengan Air Tuba", bukan? Oleh karena itu, for a better world, masing-masing kita instropeksi-lah diri sendiri. Termasuk juga saya, masih banyak kekurangan dalam diri saya yang harus diubah. Tumbuhkan sifat pemaaf dalam diri kita. Hidup akan terasa ringan jika jadi sosok yang pemaaf.